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New Dates For 2025 Workshops

Monday 24th February 7-9pm - Drumming For Healing at Moreton Village Hall

Saturday 22nd March - Drum Birthing Workshop 

Saturday 17th May - Red Drum Birthing Workshop for Women

Saturday 14th June - Drum Birthing Workshop

If there is sufficient demand, I will add in some rattle making workshops. Please email me to let me know if this interests you! 


I’m Lucy, and I’m a shamanic practitioner. I’m a healer, a reader, and I work with the medicine gifts of Mother Earth to craft sacred tools and objects.

I work in particular with Deer, an animal that links us with strength, protection, spiritual connection, but also gentleness and compassion. I birth drums and rattles from their hides so that the spirit of the deer which has passed may live on and guide us, with tools which become our companions and friends. I take ethically sourced local skins and prepare them into rawhide myself, incorporating honour and ceremony from start to finish. I teach drum birthing workshops, and take commissions for drums and rattles.

Sacred crafting is a large part of my work, and it is not limited to drums. I work with with the spirits of the winged ones to create feather fans, with the spirits of the trees to create Ogham staves, and with the spirits of the plants to create an extensive range of flower essences and smoke cleansing bundles.

Drum Birthing

A drum is a powerful ally - a tool, a healer, a friend - and a drum that you have birthed yourself, or one that has been birthed especially for you, even more so. Gathering together the hide and the hoop, lacing them together in ceremony with love and intent, calling in the spirit of the drum, holding space for it as it dries; this process is one of magic and wonder, and the result is a medicine drum intimately connected to you.

I offer drum birthing workshops, retreats, 1:1 tuition, or I take commissions to birth drums; please find out more by clicking the link below.

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Deep Shamanic Healing Ceremony

Participate in a bespoke healing ceremony created specifically for you. We begin with an initial consultation to discuss what you would most like to achieve through the healing – what changes do you want to want to see in your life, how do you want to feel? I will then go on a diagnostic Shamanic journey to speak with the healing spirits, who will let me know what to include in your tailor-made ceremony. After this, we embark on the ceremony; this will involve the perfect combination of processes and healings for you to create deep shifts at the spirit level. We then have time to discuss at length what has occurred, and you may ask any questions. Afterwards, you will begin your integration, moving deeper into your healing journey, whilst the nutrients of the work in the ceremony filter down to the mental, emotional and physical realms so that you see noticable shifts in your day-to-day life .


I blend use of Tarot cards with my mediumship and shamanic skills to create readings which channel guidance from Spirit. The cards can shed light on the current situation we find ourselves in, help us understand why things are as they are, and what our role is in it all. But the greatest power of Tarot lies in its ability to help us to create change, and so I use it to support and empower others to achieve their goals, with practical insight on actions they can take to transform their lives.


Where in your life do you need more clarity - spiritual guidance, soul purpose, love and relationships, career, or something else entirely? I will work with you to help craft the perfect question, so that I can deliver a high-value reading full of insight that you can use to enable transformation in your life.

I had been feeling scattered and out of balance; I didn’t know where to put my focus and wanted guidance on how to better take care of myself. Lucy did such a good job answering my question with her in-depth reading, she really got me. As a result, I have slowed down and managed to listen to my inner voice – I realised what I needed to do. Going off-path and letting my intuition guide me, I found some beautiful hidden places in nature, which were profoundly healing for me. I’ve also been following the guidance to restrict myself to one thing on my to-do list each day. As an all-or-nothing Scorpio, taking small steps is a challenge for me, but very good advice as I’ve had multiple bad burnouts through the years. I can see how the to-do-list has been constricting me, so thank you so much for pointing that out. The reading has helped me to narrow my focus and reminded me to take things slowly. I feel more in acceptance now and I’m also excited to see where I go this next. Thank you, I truly appreciate your accurate, guiding and inspiring reading!

Elisabeth, Norway



Lucy McLeod is a medicine woman - a healer, reader, and sacred craftswoman. It is her passion to create safe spaces for those seeking personal growth, healing and clarity, as well as creating medicine tools that aid the spiritual journey.

Through her healings and readings she facilitates the release of deep-seated trauma, blocks, and limiting stories, sparking a healing journey of transformation. 

The spirit of the Deer guides her pathway; she takes locally sourced deerskins and prepares them in ceremony from start to finish. The rawhide is used to birth drums and rattles with high integrity and ethical standards. She works to commission, as well as running drum birthing workshops from her rural home in Dorset.

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